My family and I are wildlife rescuers and rehabilitators in northeast Florida. This means we take in sick, wounded, or orphaned wildlife. When we get a call for an animal, we go to pick it up and take it home, where we doctor it, feed it, or do whatever is necessary to take care of the animal.
We never know from one day to the next what we might be taking in. We have had baby deer, raccoons, opossum, squirrels, birds, and even baby bats that we bottle-fed until they were able to eat on their own. Once the animals are able to care for themselves, we take them to a place to release them.
The babies, like the raccoons, and birds in the cages are being held in a secure place until they are weaned off hand-feeding and are big enough to go into our release habitat cages. There they have less and less contact with humans.
— Brittany H., N. Florida