There are two ways that organic material decomposes. One is aerobic decomposition, which means the material decomposes in the presence of oxygen. The other is anaerobic decomposition, which means the material decomposes in the absence of oxygen. The products yielded by these two types of decomposition are very different. Aerobic decomposition produces the following: carbon dioxide; ammonia; lesser amounts of a variety of other gases; and a great deal of heat. The heat can be used for a specific purpose, or the decomposed material simply becomes fertilizer. In anaerobic decomposition, a nitrogen-rich fertilizer is a by-product, but the primary products of this type of decomposition are methane and hydrogen gas that can be used as fuel.
In the United States alone, cows and other livestock animals create over a billion tons of manure a year—manure which is left to decompose outdoors, creating greenhouse gases and harmful airborne and waterborne pollutants. An ample opportunity exists for dairy and livestock farms to both curb greenhouse emissions and produce alternative forms of energy that can be accomplished through anaerobic decomposition, which requires machines called anaerobic digesters.
However, the process of anaerobic digestion is costly, so local electric utilities are partnering with farmers to cover the cost of conversion and companies are now developing scalable anaerobic digesters that can convert the methane on relatively small farms in ways that are affordable for farmers and ultimately benefit everyone. The power generated by these small farms can not only be used to run the farm, but can also be sold back to local utilities so that the surrounding neighborhoods can have affordable power for their homes.
For more information on cow power go to:
Environmental Leader,
"PG&E Gets Energy from Cow Manure":
Explain That Stuff,
"Climate Change and Global Warming":
National Geographic,
"Cow Manure, Other Homegrown Energy Powering U.S. Farms":
Animation by Stephen Blauweiss